We’re so excited to welcome back the writer and director of LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, David Shayne and Ken Cunningham. We talk about their favorite vacation memories, LEGO Star Wars high jinks, and don’t miss what one of our guests says is the greatest nugget of Star Wars trivia he’d never knew before talking to us (and it’s NOT about Terbus)!Continue Reading

Part 6 of Obi Wan Kenobi delivered perfectly on all of the wishes and desires we had going into the series. In reality, it was stunning. We talk about all of the reasons why. But the BIG question is whether this series should get a second season. Don’t be so quick to answer “yes.”Continue Reading

Part 5 of Obi Wan Kenobi gave Star Wars fans the special treat they’ve been waiting for: a flashback sequence showing Anakin Skywalker. But this episode also revealed the reason why the conflict between Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi at the close of Part 3 of the series didn’t break canon. In reality, Part 5 showed us that Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader NEVER became the Master.Continue Reading

Dad had a hard time with Part 3 of Obi Wan Kenobi. After viewing the episode MULTIPLE times, he’s been able to reconcile what happened with his long existing headcanon (headcanon can be dangerous). But there are still a few outstanding questions he wants to discuss with Sam and Nate, the biggest being, “What’s wrong with Obi Wan Kenobi?”Continue Reading